Entering & Leaving Nicaragua by Land

Nicaragua borders Honduras, El Salvador, and Costa Rica. Here are the ways to make the crossing by land:


The main crossing points from Honduras to Nicaragua are:

  1. El Guasaule: This is the most popular border crossing, located between Choluteca (Honduras) and Chinandega (Nicaragua). Buses frequently run between major cities in both countries, making this a convenient option. Expect the crossing process to take about 1-2 hours. The journey from Tegucigalpa to Chinandega typically costs around $15-$20.

  2. Las Manos: Located between Ocotal (Nicaragua) and Danlí (Honduras). This border is less busy and can be a good alternative to avoid crowds. The process here is usually faster, taking about 1 hour. The cost of the bus journey from Tegucigalpa to Ocotal is around $15-$20.

El Salvador

There are a couple of ways to cross from El Salvador to Nicaragua:

By Bus

  1. From San Salvador to Managua: Several bus companies operate this route, including Tica Bus and King Quality. The journey takes about 12-14 hours and costs between $30-$40. The buses are comfortable with air conditioning, however, be aware that the the border crossing can take a few hours.

By Bus & Boat

  1. From El Tunco, El Zonte, & San Salvador: My experience is from El Zonte (El Salvador) to León (Nicaragua). This journey costs $70 per person and will take more or less 9 hours. The reason we chose this option is that we heard the border crossing from El Salvador takes hours if you only go by land, although that was a cheaper option.

    • Pick-Up Time: You can get picked up at your accommodation at an impossible hour, between 01:00 and 03:00 AM. The shuttle will drop you off at the port of La Libertad, a journey that takes about 5 hours.
    • La Libertad Port: Here, you will hand over your passports, which they will keep until after the crossing. You will have the possibility to use the toilet here; do not expect much as this is a local port.
    • Boat Ride: Then it’s time for the boat ride, which is in a lancha. This journey takes about 2 hours. At all times, you see land, and the boat goes pretty fast. Honestly, almost everyone fell asleep on the boat after minutes. The best part is when you arrive in Nicaragua; this is truly the best experience I have ever had entering a country. You arrive on a deserted beach, with wild horses, and your passport literally gets stamped in the middle of nowhere. But the journey is not done yet; you are in for another 1 or 2 hours to get to León.

    Honestly, it’s a very long journey, but the border crossing is amazing, so I would recommend it.

Costa Rica

The main crossings from Costa Rica to Nicaragua are:

  1. Peñas Blancas: This is the most popular border crossing, located between Liberia (Costa Rica) and Rivas (Nicaragua). Buses frequently run between major cities in both countries. The journey from San José to Rivas typically costs around $25-$30 and takes about 8-10 hours. The border crossing can be busy and might take a few hours.

  2. Los Chiles to San Carlos (via boat): This is a more adventurous option. You can take a bus from San José to Los Chiles, which takes about 5 hours and costs around $10. From Los Chiles, take a boat down the Río Frío to San Carlos, Nicaragua. The boat ride costs around $12 and takes about 2 hours. This route is scenic and less crowded.

Each of these options offers a unique experience, so choose based on your preference for speed, cost, and adventure. Happy traveling!

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