

Is Nicaragua Ready for Digital Nomads?

As entrepreneurs, we often take pride in our ability to multitask and handle a wide range of responsibilities. However, there comes a point when the sheer volume of administrative tasks on our plates can become overwhelming – and we need…

What Exactly is a Virtual Assistant?

The concept of a virtual assistant has become increasingly prevalent, yet many still find themselves wondering: What exactly is a virtual assistant, and how can they benefit my business? Let’s unravel the mystery and explore the world of virtual assistance…

5- Towns in Mexico You Should Go To

Mexico is famous for its major cities from Cancun to Merida, Mexico City, Guadalajara, but actually, some of the small towns are absolutely beautiful. In many cases, they are cheaper and less crowded with tourists. When traveling to Mexico, these…

Entering & Leaving Nicaragua by Land

Nicaragua borders Honduras, El Salvador, and Costa Rica. Here are the ways to make the crossing by land: Honduras The main crossing points from Honduras to Nicaragua are: El Guasaule: This is the most popular border crossing, located between Choluteca…

6- Places to Work From in Nicaragua

One of the perks of working and traveling is that you get to work from nice places all over the world. I have made a selection of my favorite places in Nicaragua, with the best food, reliable internet, places to…